Thank you so much for your participation and for sharing your inspiring stories with us.

List of Winners are:
Haroon Hameed (Burlington) | Farah Khan (Toronto) | Zubeda Baig (Toronto) | Amandeep Kaur (Surrey) | Momena Asmat (Surrey) | Amber Currier (Toronto) | A Ali (Vaughan) | Esashi Ash (Toronto)

Pick Someone Special

Choose a loved one who deserves a Sephora gift card this holiday season.

Share Their Story

Tell us why they deserve it! Submit a picture, video, shoutout, or heartfelt story on our social handles using the Hashtag #SACSephora.

Fill Out the Form

Provide the details below to complete your nomination, so we can reach you if you win.

Wait for the Magic

Our team will review entries and announce weekly winners for the next 4 weeks until January 10. Announcements done every Friday.

Fill Out the Form

Provide the details below to complete your nomination, so we can reach you if you win.

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